FutureTech: BMW launches a wireless electric charging program in the U.S

FutureTech: BMW launches a wireless electric charging program in the U.S

BMW takes innovation for electric mobility to the next level with this pilot test program - wireless electric charging for 200 of their californian residents. These residents will be able to charge their new BMW 530e plug in hybrid sedan using magnetic induction to wirelessly charge the car to 100% in 3.5 hours.

A base charging platform in the user's garage is used to position the car above. A magnetic field is created thereby charging the battery pack, similar to charging a mobile device wirelessly.

Details of the technology may be seen below:

The program is restricted to California residents who can apply to enrol in the program and subject to qualifying, participate in this pilot program.

Luxury Motor Press thinks:

While this is in its pilot stages, the ability to charge wirelessly adds immense convenience to electric charging options. Additionally, alleviating any further apprehensions people may have towards electric mobility and the need to plug in, etc… This to us, is an excellent solution going forward.

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